न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते।
ज्ञान के समान पवित्र इस संसार में कुछ नहीं है।।
There is nothing more pure in this world than knowledge(Gyana)
The Department of Punjabi, Bharati College, was established in 1971. Since Delhi is a multi- lingual cosmopolitan city and the Punjabi community is third largest community in this city, it was pertinent to provide education to the Punjabi speaking people in their own mother tongue.
Scope for students- Bharati College is situated in vicinity of Punjabi populace and the students will be able to get higher studies in their own mother tongue which could be also a source of employment. Students can achieve heights in the profession of Punjabi media, translations, teaching etc. Moreover, they can compete for the civil services, where candidates are allowed to take the examination in the languages covered under the 8th schedule of the Constitution of India. Our motive is to provide students higher education in their mother tongue. The idea is to help them develop as responsible citizens of India, being good human beings.