• न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते।

  • ज्ञान के समान पवित्र इस संसार में कुछ नहीं है।।

  • There is nothing more pure in this world than knowledge(Gyana)




The Department of Human Development & Family Empowerment (HDFE) at Bharati College was started in 1984, under the parent Department of Home Science, offering HDFE as an optional course in B.A Programme. The department was initially called Family and Child Welfare (FCW) though later the nomenclature was changed to HDFE. The department has been actively engaging with the discipline of Human Development through academics as well as curricular activities.

The students of the undergraduate course who have opted for this paper are given practical exposure to different NGOs working for women and children. HDFE has been contextualized and embedded in the broader perspective of life span development. The increasing thrust on development programmes and legislations for women and children generates empowering awareness and prepares the students on 'quality intervention programmes’.

The course also provides practical experiences of working with children which will enable students to develop necessary skills to work effectively with infants and pre-schoolers in various settings.

As a part of B.A program, HDFE is offered with Political Science as a combination. HDFE contains a focus on preventing and intervening in problem behaviours. HDFE majors learn how to implement and evaluate programs which are designed to improve the quality of people's lives. The Department helps to empower the young women to increase their control over the decisions that affect their lives both within and outside the household. This subject engages students in a curriculum that values and supports interdisciplinary perspectives and combines classroom learning with field opportunities.

HDFE has sustained itself as a major employment sphere in research and in extension of social services. The students can go for post-graduation (MSc. HDCS) after completion of B.A (HDFE). In addition, Early pre-school settings, family planning agencies, family counselling centres, pre-primary training centres, agricultural research centres, social welfare departments are some of the areas where HDFE graduates and post-graduates can find suitable places. They can also enter into curriculum development, e-resource development and development of media for children.