• न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते।

  • ज्ञान के समान पवित्र इस संसार में कुछ नहीं है।।

  • There is nothing more pure in this world than knowledge(Gyana)

Student Zone

Redstockings Society

Redstockings Literary Society

Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of mind.

- Virginia Woolf

The Redstockings Literary Society is the English literary society of Bharati College, run by the Department of English. Established in the year 1999, it is one of the most popular Departmental societies in the college which never fails to affirm its position through productive and insightful activities throughout the academic year. Predominantly run by the students, it has gained attention in the university's circuit of societies though its tireless efforts at promoting literature.

The society derives its name from the radical feminist group founded in New York in 1969. Inspired by the radical group which stood for freedom and equality, the Redstockings Literary society aspires to imbibe and nurture the culture of free-spirit both in thought and action.

The society was started in order to create a platform for the students to think beyond their books and classroom lectures. It engages students to ask searching questions, express their creativity, to understand and be empathic to others’ opinions and to explore new ways of looking at things.

The Redstockings also runs a monthly on-line magazine called “The Red Stockings Chronicles”. It offers a platform for all aspiring student writers to freely give expression to their creativity. The editorial team brings out a new theme each month and opens the floor for contribution of articles from students across departments and disciplines. This way it serves as an inclusive platform for all students and provides a space for showcasing their creativity.

Office bearers for the academic year 2024-25

FACULTY COORDINATOR - Dr. Anavisha Banerjee

President – Surbhi

Vice President - Arhama Malik

Secretary - Vidya

Treasurer - Monishka Rao

Editor in Chief - Taarini Goyal

Media Head - Nikita, Dhanishka
Public Relations - Aditree

Logistics Head - Swarnima Gaur