न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते।
ज्ञान के समान पवित्र इस संसार में कुछ नहीं है।।
There is nothing more pure in this world than knowledge(Gyana)
The History Department offers a variety of courses designed by the University of Delhi to the students of B.A. Program. The curriculum includes a mix of core courses, electives, major and minor subjects, generic electives, and skill enhancement courses, allowing students to explore a wide range of historical periods, regions, and themes. From ancient civilizations and the medieval world to modern revolutions, as well as from global conflicts to cultural exchanges, our papers cater to diverse engagements. The curriculum places special emphasis on Indian history across different time periods, including Ancient, Medieval, and Modern Indian History. By engaging with these subjects, students gain a deeper appreciation for India's unique contributions to history and heritage.
By examining the successes, struggles, and innovations of different cultures—from Mesopotamia to the Industrial Revolution—students gain a nuanced understanding of the world. Papers such as "Ancient and Medieval Societies" and "Issues in 20th-Century World History" encourage critical thinking and a broader, global perspective.
Generic Elective papers like "Delhi Through the Ages" are instrumental in exploring Delhi's history and its evolution through different eras. This helps to foster critical analysis and link the past to the present.
Our skill enhancement courses (SECs) provide hands-on learning opportunities through courses like "Radio and Cinema" and "Archives and Museums," offering practical experience for students.