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Internal Complaints Committee

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Internal Complaints Committee


The Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) is established in Bharati College, 2015 under the University Grants Commission (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and Students in Higher Education Institutions) Regulations, 2015. It comprises students (one student chosen democratically from each of the three years), a Presiding Officer, two or three faculty members, two or three non-teaching employees and one outside member from a non-governmental organisation or association committed to the cause of women or a person familiar with the issues relating to sexual harassment, nominated by the Executive Authority.

ICC, Bharati College deals with cases of sexual harassment of the students or employees in the college and provides mechanism of dispute redressal. It advocates the empowerment of women and has zero tolerance for any kind of sexual harassment. ICC diligently work towards providing a secure environment to students, teaching and non-teaching staff. Complaint boxes have been placed in the college premises.

Sexual Harassment defined as:

“ An unwanted conduct with sexual undertones if it occurs or which is persistent and which demeans, humiliates or creates a hostile and intimidating environment or is calculated to induce submission by actual or threatened adverse consequences and induces any one or more or all of the following unwelcome acts or behaviour (whether directly or by implication), namely:

  1. any unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature;
  2. demand or request for sexual favors
  3. making sexually colored remarks
  4. physical contact and advances
  5. showing pornography”.
Committee Members

Dr. Sonia Kaushik (Presiding Officer)
Associate Professor
Department of Commerce
Phone no: 9310387369
Email: soniakaushik@bharati.du.ac.in

Dr. Bindu Kohli (Member)
Assistant Professor
Department of Political Science
Phone no: 9899735607
Email: bindu.kohli@bharati.du.ac.in

Dr. Rekha Sharma
Assistant Professor
Department of Hindi
Phone no: 7838586919
Email: rekha.sharma@bharati.du.ac.in

Ms. Lajwanti
Section Officer, Administration
Phone no: 8826124922
Email: bharati.lajwanti@gmail.com

Mr. Prashant Singh
Junior Assistant
Phone no: 9811774250
Email: pprashantts@gmail.com

Advocate Kirti Dua
External Member
Phone no: 9873851043
Email: kirtidua@angpartners.co.in

(The student representative of I/II/III year will be elected soon after the admission process is over.)

We commit ourselves to a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual harassment and reinforce our commitment to making our campus free from discrimination, harassment, retaliation or sexual assault at all levels. If a student, faculty member or non-faculty staff member faces any discomfort under the above-mentioned heads, he or she can directly approach the committee.

An aggrieved person is required to submit a written complaint to the ICC within three months from the date of the incident, and in case of a series of incidents within a period of three months from the date of the last incident. Provided that where such complaint cannot be made in writing, the Presiding Officer or any Member of the Internal Complaints Committee shall render all reasonable assistance to the person for making the complaint in writing. For the reasons accorded in the writing, the ICC could extend the time limit by a period not exceeding three months, if it is satisfied that the circumstances were such which prevented the person from filing a complaint within the said period. Friends, relatives, colleagues, co-students, a psychologist, or any other associate of the victim may file the complaint in situations where the aggrieved person is unable to make a complaint on account of physical or mental incapacity or death.

The complainant may contact the committee members through the given e-mail ID or phone numbers.

Email ID: icc@bharati.du.ac.in

https://www.ugc.ac.in/pdfnews/7203627_UGC_regulations-harassment.pdf (UGC Regulations of Sexual Harassment Act)